Salt Spring Insights released highlights from its Spring 2022 research, showing that Salt Spring Islanders are generally happy with their quality of life, but very concerned about the lack of affordable housing as a threat to the community.
The Salt Spring Insights online research panel is structured to be representative of Salt Spring residents by key demographics. The 2022 first-quarter surveys featured a series of questions about fire facilities and services, as well as questions about quality of life on the island and the perceived value taxpayers receive for different services.
The first three Salt Spring Insights panelist winners were also announced: Cathy George, Clare Nuyens, and Tanya Stewart will each receive a gift certificate for Country Grocer. Participants who sign up and complete the next survey will also be eligible to win prizes.
Quality of Life is Good Here, But Increased Housing Could Make It Better
Almost nine in ten residents (87%) are happy with their quality of life here. Despite the high levels of happiness, access to affordable housing tops the list of potential improvements, followed by providing more services and facilities (particularly for youth or teens), building better road and ferry infrastructure, and the perennial issue of improving the governance structure. The doctor shortage, better walking and cycling paths and building community spirit round out the list of suggestions.
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Salt-Spring-Insights-2022-Spring-Report-Quality-of-LifeValue for Tax Dollars Paid Varies Widely by Service, with Fire Highest and Water Lowest
Panelists were also asked a series of questions rating the perceived value they receive for the tax dollars they pay for various services. Fire services are viewed as the best value for taxes paid, (62% good value), with under half of residents rating the taxes they pay for CRD transit or parks & recreation services as good value. About four in ten think the school board provides good value, while water services are rated most poorly, with more people giving water services poor marks (31%) than good marks (27%) for taxpayer value.
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